Springtime in the Rockies

Blue sky in one direction

A snowstorm in the opposite direction

The perennials should be very happy!

Our border collie is so proud to lunge for the geese and make them fly. Soon though, they learn that she’s not getting in the water and much to Hope’s chagrin, they ignore her.

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The seasons pass…how do you spend your time?

What’s been going on with me in our little mountain village this September:


Mountain Mutts – Joy’s Tale
(published in the Lake City Silver World, September 4, 2020)

When a new puppy named Joy joins the family she struggles to be accepted by the older dog, Spring. 

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These Days Count

Life’s Little Delights

Handmade Easter card from a friend


Playing in the disappearing snow


                    Hope & Joy


Preparing a colorfully pleasing, tasty

and healthy meal is so satisfying!


Bless us, Oh Lord, and these thy gifts

 which we are about to receive from thy bounty,

through Christ, Our Lord.

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