the shortest day and darkest night

Winter Solace

The enchanted moment, where the ice crystals sparkle in the early morning sunlight, can’t be captured in a photograph and the peacefulness is just as breathtaking. The world is too noisy and busy and moments like this are magical.

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What’s Going on with Me…

Our school…current inspirational message…

One of the many things I enjoy about where we live are the easy access

to different places to walk, picnic, have a spur of the moment adventure!




At every turn is a postcard pretty view…






VERY unusual – a fire in the fireplace June 13.

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Overcoming Osteoporosis



Listen Up!

Had Osteoporosis

Now I Don’t!!!



I am not telling anyone what to do. This is simply information I have gathered, made as straightforward as I could make it,

along with my experience:

I am (my birthday was days ago) 63-year-old, Caucasian, female, who has always been physically active.Read the rest

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