New Year’s Eve 2024 & New Year’s Day 2025

Celebrations & Traditions

 While You Were Sleeping (1995) Trailer ...

 My husband is romantic.

 Over the years we’ve lived up here we often got all dressed up for New Year’s Eve and went out to dinner CLIMB; the fanciest restaurant at 9,000 ft. where we live. We don’t have to be concerned about traffic in the winter and we aren’t big drinkers so us going out, on New Year’s Eve where we live, isn’t risky.

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the shortest day and darkest night

Winter Solace

The enchanted moment, where the ice crystals sparkle in the early morning sunlight, can’t be captured in a photograph and the peacefulness is just as breathtaking. The world is too noisy and busy and moments like this are magical.

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Overcoming Osteoporosis



Listen Up!

Had Osteoporosis

Now I Don’t!!!



I am not telling anyone what to do. This is simply information I have gathered, made as straightforward as I could make it,

along with my experience:

I am (my birthday was days ago) 63-year-old, Caucasian, female, who has always been physically active.Read the rest

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