Living in Nature with Dogs

When I wake up every morning, I smile and say, ‘Thank you.’ Because out of my window I can see the mountains, then go hiking with my dog and share her bounding joy in the world.  – Carole King

Exactly – getting to live in the mountains is somewhat like being on vacation all the time & getting to live with our dogs up here is joyful & spontaneous.… Read the rest

Walking The River In Winter

“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress”. Barack Obama

Keep moving…keep moving physically and keep moving in the direction of what’s important to you. Walking feels good and is beneficial to maintaining our health, and too, we have a border collie and a sheltie, so we walk…walk…walk…

We live up in the mountains and this time of the year it is hard to find a place that is safe or viable for walking; so we walk our nature trail.… Read the rest

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