Happy New Year

Celebrating New Year’s Eve

 At Climb in Lake City, CO

 Instead of the red sauce being over powering, this light red sauce has a gentle blending of complimentary flavors. The aroma was mouthwatering and the colors – a celebration! 

This isn’t just going out to eat, Climb is a dining experience ~!  Linda is the chief and her husband Jerry,  the ‘everything else.’ Not only is the food really good, the restaurant is lovely and Jerry greets customers by name, with pleasure, as if you were gracing his home by accepting a party invitation. He spends just the right amount of time conversing at your table and letting you take everything in to enjoy your time.

The pretty presentation and gentle aroma are a given at Climb. My husband plucked the mint leaf from the chocolate and suggested I take a whiff ~ chocolate and mint, yum!

It was fun to dress up for the evening and go out together, celebrating the past year. Over dinner, I shared with my husband my ‘gratitude jar.’ For the past year I’d been writing down, with the date, something that touched me in a positive way, something I was thankful for. Some of my entries were as simple as a stunning blue sky day, my son calling me just because he was thinking about me and having an especially fun, satisfying day with my little pal Elsa. Of course this past year I overcame osteoporosis and we went to Italy too!!!

We are taught in psych 101, as well in life, that it takes numerous good things to overcome a negative one – something like 5-1. So, being more aware of the good in our lives helps insure we are living a more positive life!

***If we aren’t making a point to dwell on our blessings, we might as well not have them –

The New Year is the perfect time to start living a more positive life!

Happy New Year! Make it your best lived life ever!

What are you grateful for? What’s good about today?

“May you live all the days of your life.”  J. Swift

Living in the Mountains

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