Chenonceau Castle – Thinking About Life Passions

This post begins with the most exquisite artwork of a meal, the food whispers a blessing. Come. Savor. My treasured purple wisteria continues to call out.  Château gardens. Julie eye-catching moments.

Delicate touches to our meal create art.

Bruce and I are not foodies.

I may be the only healthy person to lose weight on a trip to France.

BUT this dining experience was oh so special.

We agreed that we’d like to have donner here this evening.

We tried to make dinner reservations. They only served lunch today.

For dinner we enjoy the other end of the spectrum – getting a ready made salad from the grocery to enjoy in our hotel room. Cheap and cheerful!

While I don’t eat it, even the meat plate looked pretty.

Fellow tour members kindly let me photograph their meal.

Julie moment: sunlight sparkling in the white wine

Purple Wisteria!

Château de Chenonceau – I enjoyed the gardens best

Notice the sunlight catching the spraying water

Late Gothic and early Renaissance is the architectural mix

Château de Chenonceau is over the River Cher

In the 18th century, before the French Revolution, the Cher reached the peak of its prosperity. The river was the great highway for movement of goods as the cities on the banks were busy ports.

What caught my eye inside the castle:

We stepped on to the balcony overlooking the garden

Rounded doors are most appealing to me

Blue and white dishes are so classic and pretty

Cute little container

Sometimes I miss Hope our border collie.

We walked through the labyrinthe de Chenonceau

We typically exit through the giftshops.

I asked Bruce to pick out a Christmas ornament.

He picked this cross.

While he pays, I photograph the cat at the register.

Tomorrow’s plan:

For dinner we enjoy a ready made salad from the grocery in our hotel room. Cheap and cheerful! – alone – resting and sharing thoughts about our day…

It’s not unusual for castles in Europe to be privately owned. Big houses in general and castles in particular, do not appeal to us. But then, where we make our home at 9,000 ft. in a tiny mountain village is not where most people want to live. Like visiting the castle, most people like to visit our village but live somewhere else.

Different people have different life passions.

Traveling is difficult and expensive as is living where we do. But we are willing to make the sacrifices to enjoy what is important to us.

I get such joy from my photography and nature!

What’s your life pasion?

“Walks in nature are hugs for my soul.” Julie A R Stephens

Living in the Mountains


4 thoughts on “Chenonceau Castle – Thinking About Life Passions”

  1. Ahhhhh…. love your nature photos…. Tall, lanky, beautiful, lilac colored delphiniums catch my eye….
    Traveling is such a wonderful adventure! Love Paris. 🥰

  2. More great pictures and words, Julie. I still have fond memories of when my wife and I visited this castle. Quite a place!

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