About the Author

Though born below sea level in New Orleans, Louisiana Julie Stephens lives with her husband and their dogs 9,000 feet above sea level, in the most remote area in the US lower 48 states: Hinsdale County, Colorado.  Her husband first brought her to the San Juan Mountains on their honeymoon in the summer of 1977. They are the proud parents of a grown son and daughter and three grandchildren. The Stephens savor living in nature and hiking the mountains with their dogs.

Julie has a master’s in education and has taught just about every age level from preschool to graduate school. Stephens also has a BFA in theater and has performed in community theater as well as in a television advertisement. She is an award winning photographer and an award winning writer with her newspaper column in the Lake City Silver World: Life From My View.

Her current works-in-progress are two, true life-stories. One is a picture book called Mountain Mutts – Joy’s Tale.  The other is an epistolary narrative about mentoring an, ‘at risk’ 1st grader whose life indicates abuse and how the broken system ignores the child’s needs.

Julie spends the majority of her unscheduled days: reading, writing and walking with her camera in hand. Julie has written or co-written several books available on her website: https://julie-stephens.com/   

Also visit the Author page on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Julie-Stephens/e/B002T7L2PY

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